Language Specification

Welcome to the language specification for Owen’s Markup Language! This document will go over the formal standards of owml, alongside a quick writing tutorial.

As you may have noticed, we use the abbriviation of owml for Owen’s Markup Language and will continue to do so throughout this document for brevity sake.

Writing Owen’s Markup Language

Coming soon!

Owen’s Markup Language Specification


  • Highlighting uses C as there is (currently) no widespread syntax highlighting built into markdown parsers that utilizes owml.
  • If you are writing a parser, please stick to these standards as close as possible. They are written in an easy-to-read fashion but are standards, not guidelines.

General Syntax

  • object: "{" ( keypair";" )* "}"
  • array: "[" ( key";" )* "]"
  • keypair: key_name":" key
  • key: ( key_int | key_string | array | object )
  • key_name: ( key_int | key_string )

Here is a more padded-out example of this in action:

"Woo": [
"Other": {
    54534: {
        "Meep": "morp";
    "This is cool": [
    45345: 34535;


  • String: A string type. This can be written as 'Hello' or "Hello" (please include both quotation types when writing a parser).
  • Int: A 32-bit signed integer that can be written as 32564 for positive numbers or -476343 for negatives.
  • Array: A strict type that infers it’s type from the first used, wrapped in []. If an array looked like [ 'Hello'; 1234; ] it would not parse due to this. Cannot be a name inside of a keypair
  • Object: A way to split items into different nested sections. Wrapped in {}, it can function the same as a standard block. Cannot be a name inside of a keypair

Type Examples


"This is a string": "Hello";
'Can also use quotes': 'Yes';


"The following data contains an int": 656435;
923857: "Names can be ints";
"Negative int coming up!": -158403;


"This is an array": [
    "It infers";
    "The types";
    "And doesn\'t";
    "Allow 2 types";
"Array of arrays!": [
    [ "Hello"; ];
    [ 432434; 23; 26; 245; 3234 ];


"This is an object": {
    "It allows": "different sections";
    6345234: {
        "erjhgejh": 4345;
        "3453fdgdfg": [